Thank you for choosing IE Pro YOU® for your implicit and explicit association studies. IE Pro YOU® will allow you to measure a variety of implicit and explicit associations targeted people have with various “stimuli of interest” (SOIs; e.g., brands, ads, package designs, etc.) and determine the degree to which those associations impact the SOIs' relative value.
If you choose, this platform can be a “Do-It-Yourself” (DIY) tool for every component of your studies. This includes selecting and submitting various elements of your design, signing up for a subscription plan, preparing your sample, collecting data, analyzing data, and receiving reports. Even though you CAN do it yourself, we're here to help you along the way, especially for your first study.
To use IE Pro YOU® you must first establish an account. It’s free to have an account and will allow you to see how the system works before you actually conduct studies.